Whether you're new to the Marsico Funds or a longtime shareholder, we look forward to helping you achieve your long-term investment goals through our selection of five Funds.

Open an Account Now

If you're just getting started, there are two ways to open an account. You can apply online right now through a simple account set-up process. If you would like to apply by mail, download and fill out an application and any other forms you may need:

Before applying you should carefully read the prospectus, and the retirement plan disclosure statement if you are opening a retirement account. Both documents contain more complete information about the Funds and regular and retirement accounts, including charges, expenses and risks. Please determine whether the Funds are appropriate for you, given your investment goals and risk tolerance.

Minimum Investments

Investor Class Institutional Class
  Initial Investment Additional Investment Initial Investment Additional Investment
Regular Accounts $2,500 $100 $100,000 $1,000
IRAs and IRA Rollovers $1,000 $100 $100,000 $1,000
Non-Working Spousal IRAs $500 $100 $100,000 $1,000
SEP-IRAs $500 $100 $100,000 $1,000
Gifts to Minors $500 $50 $100,000 $1,000
Automatic Investment Plan $1,000 $50 $100,000 $1,000

Need assistance?

We'd be happy to answer questions you may have on how to complete your application, purchase a Fund, or find out if you need any additional documents and application forms. For assistance, you can call us toll-free at 888.860.8686, or you may also email us.